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赵高峰 | ZHAO Gaofeng

发布时间:2024-06-01   浏览次数:






1、项目编号:10804027 含贵金属Au、Ag元素的合金团簇光学性质的理论研究(国家自然科学基金),2009年01月-2011年12月 结项 主持。

2、项目编号:15HASTIT015 河南省高校科技创新人才(新能源材料的理论模拟和设计) 2015年1月-2019年5月 结项 主持。

3、项目编号:132300410236 石墨烯基纳米复合材料储氢性能的理论研究(河南省科技厅)2011年1月-2013年4月 结项 主持。

4、项目编号:2010GGJS-036河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助项目 2011年1月-2013年12月 结项 主持。


1、Miaomiao Jian, Zhenzhen Feng* , Yazhu Xu, Yuli Yan, Gaofeng Zhao*, David J. Singh*.Ultralow lattice thermal conductivity induced by anharmonic cation rattling and significant role of intrinsic point defects in TlBiS2,Physical Review B 107, 245201 (2023).

2、Huizhen Han,Xiaoli Zhang, Lili Kang*, Xiaohong Zheng * and Gaofeng Zhao*.Tunnel electroresistance effect in a two-dimensional organic ferroelectric tunnel junction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 18400 (2023).

3、Realizing tunneling electroresistance effect in the Au/hBN/In2Se3/Au vertical ferroelectric tunnel junction,J. Chem. Phys. 159, 134702 (2023).

4、Lili Kang,Xiaohong Zheng*, Peng Jiang, Zhenzhen Feng, and Gaofeng Zhao*, Tuning magnetism by electric field in MnPS3/Sc2CO2van der Waals heterostructure,Applied Physics Letter . 122, 082902 (2023).

5、Xianfeng Ye , Zhenzhen Feng,,* Yongsheng Zhang, Gaofeng Zhao* and David J. Singh*. Low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance via Cd underbonding in half-Heusler PCdNa, Physical Review B 105, 104309 (2022).

6、Yazhu Xu, Jianmin Sun*, Miaomiao Jian, Xianfeng Ye , Gaofeng Zhao∗ and Zhenzhen Feng∗. Study of thermoelectric performance and intrinsic defect of promising n-type half-Heusler FeGeW, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 414001(2022) .

7、Xiaobo Shi,Shujuan Jiang,Xianwei Han*,Min Wei, Bing Wang, Gaofeng Zhao*,Guang-Ping Zheng* and Huabing Yin. Ultrahigh mechanical flexibility induced superior piezoelectricity of InSeBr-type 2D Janus materials,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 8371(2022).

8、Xianfeng Ye, Zhenzhen Feng,* Yazhu Xu, Miaomiao Jian, Yuli Yan, Yongsheng Zhang, and Gaofeng Zhao*,A Theoretical Study on the Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Properties of CoNbSi and CoNbSn,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (18) ,10068 (2001).

9、Xiaobo Shi, Huabing Yin*, Shujuan Jiang, Weizhen Chen, Guang-Ping Zheng,* Fengzhu Ren, Bing Wang, Gaofeng Zhao* and Bo Liu *, Janus 2D titanium nitride halide TiNX0.5Y0.5 (X, Y = F, Cl, or Br, and X a Y) monolayers with giant out-of-plane piezoelectricity and high carrier mobility ,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 3637 (2021).

10、Shuang Zhu, Lingju Guo, Pan Li, Bin Zhang, Gaofeng Zhao* et al. A computational study on linear and bent adsorption of CO2 on different surfaces for its photoreduction,Catalysis Today 335,278-285, (2019).